My Love of a First Kiss

As painful as a first date is, my favorite part is always the first kiss.  When a first date ends without a kiss, I feel a bit cheated.  Because no matter how much you talk I feel like you can’t actually tell if you have a connection with someone unless you have that first kiss.  You don’t know if you’re going to go in for the kiss and feel like you’re being slobbered all over, if they’re going to shove their whole tongue in your mouth or a whole array of unpleasant experiences.


Now lets just be clear, its not as if my first kiss ever was pretty much a typical pre-teen movie experience.  I was walking to class (chewing gum obviously) and went to walk into the classroom and my boyfriend grabbed my hand and when I turned around, he kissed me.  Gum in my mouth and all.   I feel like I should’ve known at that moment when there was no spark that it was never going to last longer than three weeks, but I was young and it was my first real kiss so clearly I had no idea what I was doing.


But now, I know more and I know that if  the first kiss doesn’t leave you wanting a second then it’s probably only going to last three weeks and a few more awkward dates. So here are my rules for a first kiss…


  1. Be a gentleman but take me by surprise.
  2. Timing is everything.
  3. Kiss me but then give me the opportunity to kiss you back, if I do…then you’re good to go!
  4. Don’t try to go too fast or too far.
  5. If you don’t do it…I will.

